Course overview
Students study the following professional disciplines:
- History of costume;
- Composition basics;
- Academic drawing;
- Academic painting;
- Performance backdrop technology;
- Stage structure and equipment;
- Theatre make up and postiche;
- Ccomputer graphics;
- Theatre buildings and equipment;
- Stage design composition;
- Perspective basics.
Theatre costume designer students study both general subjects (e.g. art history, theatre history, philosophy) and specialized theoretical disciplines (e.g. costume composition, make up, modelling and design). Apart from learning the theoretical basics of the profession, students have the opportunity to use their knowledge in practice by taking part in the international exhibitions or working at the GITIS Learning centre. There future graduates gain useful experience in the cooperation with teamand production department members.
During the course students study the following liberal arts disciplines: history, history of Russian and foreign theatre, history of Russian and foreign literature, history of the cinema, music, philosophy, aesthetics, history of the theatre decorative art, art history, and many others.
Foreign students study Russian language for 5 years, therefore getting a good knowledge of the Russian language as a bonus.
Students can do practical training at the major Moscow theatres.
Graduates receive state diploma valid throughout the world.